Friday, April 8, 2011

Eli is standing  everywhere.  He tries to pull himself up on everything.  When I lay him down for a nap he pulls himself up in his crib and then doesn't quite know how to climb down.  He is getting so big.  In the last two weeks he has learned to army crawl and then crawl and now he is standing.  I can't keep up with him and he seem so old all of the sudden.
About three weeks ago the kids had check ups.  Eli is in the 95% for height and weight and he is about 21 pounds.  Lydia is also int he 90 percentile for height but only the 75th for weight.  She still weighs 30 pounds.  Our little family is growing up.  I didn't get  a chance to post that video but look for it soon.


Astles said...

WOW! HE IS GETTING SO BIG!!! I love love love the pictures and the ones you sent on the email too. I will call you seems like we keep playing phone tag. He sure mastered a lot in a week. And Lydia is getting so big! (So old..I mean). They both are. Hope you guys are doing well. LOve you!

Jill said...

yay for a new post. Eli looks like such a fun little guy. We miss you guys. I bet Katie and Lydia would have lots of fun together if they could play.

Unknown said...

He IS getting big! And he's such a handsome little guy. We miss you guys lots! Kourtney was wearing her princess dress in primary today and I thought of you.

Astles said...

MISS YOU! LOVE YOU!!!! WISH WE COULD SEE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE talking to you guys!