Ummm... I wonder where she learned this....
Just Like Dad
Lydia has been wanting to drink out of the milk carton ever time I get her a drink of milk. It was a bit frustrating because I would tell her,"No," and she didn't understand. Why! Dad does it, right? When I opened the fridge the other day she pulled out the milk. She took off the lid and then looked at me to make sure it was okay. At least she asked. Since there wasn't very much milk left I just let her finish it from the carton. It sure made her day. I'm not sure if she will still want to drink out of the carton but I guess we started her young. The ironic thing about this is that I can only recall Ben drinking out of the carton once or twice in front of her. She sure picks of things fast. She has flash cards that she got from Grandma Dalton. She points out Pooh Bear and the other characters and then I show her what color is on the card. She likes her colors and knows almost all of them. The cards also have shapes on them. I didn't even know that she knew any shapes. She came me with a card about a week ago and pointed to the shape and said circle. She also drew it in the air while she said it. Wow! I am going to have to stay on my toes with her. Today she told me which on is a triangle. Needless to say we are very proud of her.
Lydia all ready to go play in the snow.
This picture is a bit blurry. I posted it because it shows how Lydia likes to dress up. I want to get her a dress up box full of easy clothes to put on, necklaces (because she likes mine), and bigger but not too big shoes. It would be something that she would have so much fun with. She loves to try to put on her pants or another shirt. She likes her shoes too. It is so adorable. She is growing up and learning so much.