Monday, August 24, 2009

Jedidiah Smith Wilderness

Our family went hiking this last Thursday. It was so great to get out as a family and go hiking. We did about three miles round trip. We are kind of working into the longer miles a little at a time. We plan to do five miles all at once. The pack that I used to carry Lydia is wonderful. It was a birthday present from her Grandparents. Thank you so much. Lydia enjoys being outside. It has been fun to go places we couldn't go before.


Lesley Harvey said...

Lydia looks like she likes hiking about as much as she likes swimming! Cute pictures!

Amber said...

Go Linda Lee!!! I fully expected to see Ben wearing the baby pack. Lydia is a doll!

Lindsey said...

That looks like so much fun! I love seeing all the green, especially since everything here is BROWN right now. I love your pictures. Lydia is getting big and is almost 1! Can you believe it?