February 19th
Anna turns six months in Februray 20th. She is growing so fast. She is able to roll over from front to back and back to front. She also turns in circles and scoots herself with her feet. She definitely will have blue eyes but her hair is little darker and thicker than Lydia' when she was that age. She talks with her tongue. Which means she often has it sticking out. Even in different directions and mimics the tone of voice that we all make but says instead,"blah, Blah blah blah blah." When she sticks out her tongue she will only sticks out a little and the bends it up or to either side She is such a patient girl and will hardly ever cry. Even when she wakes in the middle of the night. She will just start talking in her way. I wish I could really understand what she is saying. i imagine it is something like," Hey, mom? Are you there? I am getting a little hungry. I will wait for you though." She will wait for a while and then sometimes falls asleep. I remember reading once you should let them cry out for you before you get your baby, and then you know that they are really ready to eat, sleep, or need you. I am not sure that would work for Anna.
Lydia and her first lost tooth. A major event in February.
Eli is such a cowboy. At the dollar store when i said the kids could have a toy, he chose a gun with a case. He has been wearing it on his belt ever since. He is excited to get dressed so he can wear his cowboy gun. Right now he is playing cowboy and Lydia is the banker. His eyelashes a realy dark and thick. He often talks with them. He will accent an exciting adventure or activity by closing his eyes with a little scrunch and nodding his head. Other times he will blink his eyes fast to express himself in a different way.. He loves the outdoors. I told them to say their prayers the other morning. Eli said his loud enough so I heard him. He said ," Heavenly Father please bless me that I can go fishing.... then there was a long pause.... and please bless Lydia and Anna and mom to stay home." He really wanted to go fishing with his dad. They went...
Lydia is still a dress up queen. She is learning how to read and her writing skills are improving.
Another major event in February. We went to Salt Lake City and stayed with Veralyn and her kids. So much fun!! Ever time those kids are together they adopt each other. They take care of each other and play like siblings. It is so fun to watch. Veralyn is such an amazing women.
Another major event in February. We went to Salt Lake City and stayed with Veralyn and her kids. So much fun!! Ever time those kids are together they adopt each other. They take care of each other and play like siblings. It is so fun to watch. Veralyn is such an amazing women.
Veralyn also has an amazing collection of great dress up and toys. The kids could play for hours.
Great updates. Love reading about your kids' personalities. Anna sounds like a sweet little baby. Can't wait to meet her someday.
Lydia looks so grown up! Katie lost a tooth in May and was so excited about it. I think it's awesome you move along with Ben and stay together as a family. Must be so hard, but it's almost over! Your kids are so adroable and you really pay attention to their needs. i really admire that. Good luck in Wyoming.
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